The Mental Move

by The Mental Move

Health & Fitness


The Mental Move helps organizations improve the mental health of their employees. We do this with impactful and fast professional guidance through digital tooling: preventive self-help modules, a mental helpdesk, workshops and a preventive medical examination: online, fast and safe.The Mental Move prevention platform is an app where employees can quickly get started, at any time and in any location, with improving their mental health through scientifically proven content, questionnaires and exercises.• Wide range of modules• Anonymous & independent• Scientifically proven1. Simply sign upEmployees can register on the prevention platform with the received company code and immediately start improving their mental condition.2. Get startedVarious modules, questionnaires and exercises can be found on the prevention platform, aimed at themes such as stress, mindfulness, sleeping well or dealing with worrying.These modules are aimed at strengthening the mental health of employees. This information is also reflected in the workshops we give.3. Measure progressDuring the process, employees regularly check their mental state. They discover what is going well and what can be improved.Does your employer not yet have a company code?If you want to access this platform or want more information about the services of The Mental Move, please visit